art of do-it-yourself

Unleash your inner do-it-yourself with our DIY tips and tricks!

The DIY Blog

Von der Platte zum Glanz: Die Herstellung von Edelstahlspülen

From the plate to the shine: The production of ...

Immerse yourself in the intricate process of making stainless steel sinks, from raw slabs to gleaming finished products. Walk us through each step, from press forming and cutting to thorough...

From the plate to the shine: The production of ...

Immerse yourself in the intricate process of making stainless steel sinks, from raw slabs to gleaming finished products. Walk us through each step, from press forming and cutting to thorough...

Wintergärten: Eine grüne Oase für das ganze Jahr

Winter gardens: A green oasis all year round

Winter gardens are not only a beautiful addition to the house, but also a way to enjoy plants and flowers all year round. Whether as a cozy retreat, a hobby...

Winter gardens: A green oasis all year round

Winter gardens are not only a beautiful addition to the house, but also a way to enjoy plants and flowers all year round. Whether as a cozy retreat, a hobby...

Wie man eine neue Lichtvorrichtung in 5 einfachen Schritten installiert

How to install a new lighting fixture in 5 easy...

Introduction: Installing a new light fixture is a relatively simple and rewarding DIY project that can instantly transform the look and feel of a room. Whether you're replacing an old...

How to install a new lighting fixture in 5 easy...

Introduction: Installing a new light fixture is a relatively simple and rewarding DIY project that can instantly transform the look and feel of a room. Whether you're replacing an old...

Wasser marsch! DIY-Tipps zur Behebung gängiger Sanitärprobleme im Handumdrehen

Let the water flow! DIY tips to fix common plum...

Even small plumbing jobs can be challenging for many, but with the right DIY tips, you can easily fix common pipe problems. In this article, we present you with helpful...

Let the water flow! DIY tips to fix common plum...

Even small plumbing jobs can be challenging for many, but with the right DIY tips, you can easily fix common pipe problems. In this article, we present you with helpful...

Küchenspüle einbauen: Die drei verschiedenen Arten der Installation

Installing a kitchen sink: The three different ...

Installing a kitchen sink can be an exciting task if you want to improve your kitchen design. There are three different types of installation: undermount, built-in (also called top mount...

Installing a kitchen sink: The three different ...

Installing a kitchen sink can be an exciting task if you want to improve your kitchen design. There are three different types of installation: undermount, built-in (also called top mount...

Platzsparwunder: 10 geniale Aufbewahrungslösungen für kleine Räume

Space-saving miracle: 10 ingenious storage solu...

Even in the smallest of rooms, there are always ways to create clever storage. When you're juggling limited space, smart storage solutions are a real lifesaver. In this article, we...

Space-saving miracle: 10 ingenious storage solu...

Even in the smallest of rooms, there are always ways to create clever storage. When you're juggling limited space, smart storage solutions are a real lifesaver. In this article, we...